What we do:
The Pontifical Mission Societies support our global brothers and sisters throughout the world. Care for the “least of our brothers and sisters” (Matt: 25:35-40), solidarity that reaches out and touches the lives of those less fortunate with tangible financial support (direct and indirect) for the work of missionaries throughout the world is provided by the generosity (time, talent and treasury) of the people of the Diocese of Burlington.
The Program consists of three seasonal appeals (Lent, Summer, Advent/Christmas) and the Missionary Cooperative Plan (Mission Co-op). Since 1922, the Pontifical Mission Societies have been the Church’s official support organization for our efforts to support developing Mission Lands around the world.
Mission Cooperative Plan (Mission Co-op):
Each summer one third of the parishes in the Diocese of Burlington participate in the Mission Cooperative Plan. The parishes host missionaries from Dioceses and Orders with missions based overseas. Support for this program’s impact is felt around the globe. The purpose of the Mission Co-op is two-fold.
First, many Dioceses, Religious Congregations, and lay organizations serving in the missions receive a chance to personally appeal for prayer and financial support from our parishes. They will bring both troubling and heartwarming stories that will help us see and identify with the human face of hunger, struggle, poverty, injustice, abuse, lack of education and move us to a place of hope, food, support, education, healthcare, dignity and the grace of God that is present within all.
Secondly, as Catholics we have the opportunity to increase Missionary Awareness, to help learn about mission life around the world today. The visiting Missionary offers the opportunity for the people to reflect on their vital role in the universal mission of the Church to spread the Gospel and the need to strengthen their concern for their brothers and sisters around the world. Dare to engage today!
It is the responsibility of the Office of the Propagation of the Faith, under Director Msgr. Routhier and our Bishop, to select who is invited to visit each parish. The priests who serve in our parishes and are from Priestly Orders and Dioceses from other countries receive an assignment every year to a parish. If there are more parishes on the list to receive a mission appeal, a mission organization is chosen from the many that have sent a request to be included.
Parishes are scheduled for a mission appeal once every three years; therefore, they are divided into three groups: Year I, Year II, Year III. Please be aware that while each parish is required to participate when they are assigned, they are allowed to invite a different mission, that is approved by the diocese, in the year they do not have an assignment. You can access the procedure for handling the Mission Co-op Program below.
The Office of the Propagation of the Faith believes it is important for each of us to understand the purpose of missionaries coming to visit our Parishes. We ask you to welcome them on our behalf and grow from their faith.
The offerings collected are forwarded to our Diocesan office which then sends those funds to the Dioceses, Religious Organizations or lay organizations that have presented an Appeal and used in their mission works. No part of any offering is kept in our Diocese.
Thank you to our Parishes for the support and solidarity you give to the Mission Cooperative Plan.