“Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story,” a movie night and panel discussion, will take place Oct. 28, at 6:15 p.m. at St. John Vianney Church, 160 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington.

The movie will be followed by a panel discussion; popcorn and cold beverages will be available.

Among the panelists scheduled are Patrick Leduc of the South Burlington Food Shelf; Laurie Gagne, professor emeritus at St Michael’s College in Colchester; Virginia Finn/Kevin Pounds of ANEW Place in Burlington; and Ellen Kane, editor of Vermont Catholic magazine.

Panelists will be given the opportunity to speak about their work and/or their area of expertise.

There will be prepared questions geared toward different aspects of Dorothy Day’s mission: faith, journalism, care for the poor and nonviolence.

Following the prepared questions, questions from the audience will be answered.

“When it comes to Catholic social teaching in the United States, I can think of no better representative than Dorothy Day,” said Connie Cooney McDonald, administrative assistant for outreach and evangelization at St. John Vianney Church.

As part of the Catholic Worker Movement, Servant of God Day, a social activist, co-founded The Catholic Worker newspaper in 1933. The Church has opened the cause for her possible canonization.

The “Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story” event at St. John Vianney Parish, is the culmination of a 3-part film series. In August “Just Mercy” was screened with a panel discussion; in September “Pope Francis: A Man of His Word” was shown with panel discussion.

“We hope to repeat the series annually each fall with different films,” McDonald said.

“The response has been very positive. Even though we are in the midst of a pandemic, we’ve had a great turnout with roughly 40 people at the August movie and about 30 people at the September screening,” she added.

For more information, email [email protected] or call 802-864-4166 ext. 204.