The next Lay Formation Leadership Program is now taking applications.

This program, as part of the Institute for Missionary Discipleship, seeks to form laity to assist in leadership roles in their parishes. Key to this formation is inspiring and equipping the laity to serve and evangelize their parishes and communities as missionary disciples.

This 2-year program is designed to provide lay men and women with the spiritual, theological, human and pastoral skills to minister in their communities.

This formation is accomplished through monthly Saturday formation days, online courses, readings, assignments, spiritual direction, an annual retreat and a capstone project.

Prerequisites include the pastor’s approval, being in full communion with the Catholic Church, ability to do college-level academic work and ability to minister faithfully and joyfully within the Catholic Church.

The application deadline is June 1 or until the class is full.

Additional information, as well as the application form can be found online at:

Interested individuals may contact Deacon Phil Lawson at [email protected] or 802-448-5813.

— Deacon Phil Lawson is the executive director of evangelization, catechesis, divine worship, marriage and family and respect life for the Diocese of Burlington.

Survey Updates

Disciple Maker Parish Survey The Disciple Maker Parish Survey, conducted by Catholic Leadership Institute to help parishes develop individual pastoral plans that will lead to vibrant parishes, is due March 31:

Feasibility Study Survey Due to several requests from parishioners, the deadline to complete the Feasibility Study Survey has been extended to April 4. This survey will inform plans for a campaign to support parish and synod priorities. You can access this survey online at Click on Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington and enter the password Burlington.

—Originally published in the March 30-April 5 issue of The Inland See.