Morrisville food collections
Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish in Morrisville sponsored a food drive in honor of St. Joseph the Worker on May 1, his feast day.
A rented U-Haul van was parked outside of the church ready to be filled. “Our efforts yielded 900 pounds of non-perishable foods and $200,” said parishioner Mary Elfer, parish life coordinator.
The collection was divided and distributed to two local food shelves: Johnson Food Shelf and Lamoille Community Food Share.
Elfer reported that the manager from LCFS said the effort “provided a greater variety of food items for those who utilize the food shelf than we could manage through our normal buying and stocking. There were many practical items and specialty goodies as well.”
“Charity begins at home. Our Catholic faith teaches us though that charity extends beyond the home out into our communities as we put into practice the Corporal Works of Mercy,” Elfer said.
In addition, Elfer reported that while brainstorming at a business meeting for a Lenten project, members of Father Boivin Council #5041 of the Knights of Columbus of Morrisville, discussed having a typical food collection for the area food shelves. Upon conversations with food shelf personnel, it was learned that food was available; however, there was a need for special diet foods not usually donated and a need for personal care products and cleaning supplies. The Knights then decided to raise funds for the food shelves to purchase those needed items. The council voted to match the first $1,000 raised.
A special collection basket was put on the offertory table in Most Holy Name Parish Church with special K of C envelopes made available. Pleas for support were made at each Mass for two weeks. In addition, an announcement was made in the parish bulletin that was emailed to all parishioners, giving the address to which donations could be mailed.
The first weekend $1,117 was collected. Members of the parish Social Action Ministry agreed to match the Knights’ $1,000 matching funds. During the next few weekends another $1,963 was collected, raising the grand total to $5,080.
In April, the Knights had a take-out steak dinner. The net proceeds of $940 was added to this project.
Funds were to be divided and given to the Johnson Food Shelf and Lamoille Community Food Share.