My dear family in Christ,

On Thursday, August 22nd I was blessed to spend time with the Carthusian monks at the Charterhouse of the Transfiguration on Mount Equinox in Arlington, Vermont. This is the only Carthusian Monastery in all of North America and an incredible blessing for our Diocese. The brothers’ life of deep prayer and contemplation is a powerful reminder for all of us not to forget to keep our eyes focused upon those things that a true and eternal.

I have been privileged to visit with the monks on a number of occasions and one of the things that strikes me every time I visit is the joy that the brothers exhibit. They have almost nothing that the world considers necessary for happiness, no TV, no cars, no vacations, no money, but they are, without a doubt, happy and joyful because they have come to recognize the “peal of great price,” God.  Some of the brothers will spend upwards of 15 hours a day in private prayer and meditation. They arise in the middle of the night to offer prayers for us and the world. They dedicate their labors to their own and our sanctification. All of this done in silence, solitude and away from the glance of the world. What a gift they are to the Diocese of Burlington.

While this is a unique vocation and definitely not for everyone, your bishop included, their vocation of almost unbroken prayer is one of the most important gifts to the Church. Even though you may never visit Mount Equinox and look down upon the monastery from an observation point (guests are not permitted), please pray for them as they pray for us because we need them to be a strong powerhouse of prayer for our diocese now and in the years to come.

To learn more about Carthusian life, to ask for prayers or to support the monks, you can check out their website:


United in prayer, I remain, in Christ,

+John J. McDermott

Bishop of Burlington