Musings with Bishop McDermott
My dear family in Christ,
This is the weekend so many have been waiting for, the weekend when people will be asking the age-old question, “will Father be wearing pink this Sunday?” It is the third Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday. In many churches throughout the world bishops, priests, and deacons will be wearing the infrequently seen rose colored vestments (not pink). The third candle of the Advent wreath will be lit, and the readings and antiphons of the Sunday Mass express a joyful expectation of the proximity of the Savior. So, it is a “rejoice” Sunday; not because of the wearing of the rose, but because the Church understands the joyful message it proclaims in the coming of the Savior.
A question for all of us to ask ourselves is: are we experiencing the same joy the Church is proclaiming? Do we really understand what it is we are preparing ourselves for? Are we taking the time needed to consider the coming of the Light into the darkness of the world? We may not have rose colored vestments or clothing to wear, but are our hearts filled with the joy we are proclaiming as a community of faith?
If we need a little help to make this a reality, just reflect upon the words of the Opening Antiphon of this Sunday’s Mass, “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say, rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near!” Phil. 4:4-5. He is near not just because we are but ten days from the celebration of his birth. He is near because He is present in the Word being proclaimed. He is near in the community of faith gathered in worship and He is near in the gift of the Eucharist. He is near to us in our joys and in our sorrows, in our victories and in our defeats. He is near to the people He has redeemed and loves. He is near to us always. Jesus the Son of God and Savior of the world is near to us; how can we not be filled with joy?
So, whether the priest is wearing rose vestments or not this Sunday, remember to listen carefully to the words proclaimed and message shared because if we truly hear and believe, we will know true joy, not just on Gaudete Sunday, but on every day. Come Lord Jesus into our hearts, our homes and our worlds, and make us a truly joyful people.
God alone suffices,
+John J. McDermott
Bishop of Burlington