Notice from Bishop Christopher J. Coyne to all Parishes: Precautionary Measures Effective Wednesday, March 11, 2020
During this time of uncertainty, out of charity for both ministers of Holy Communion, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion and fellow communicants, it is recommended and encouraged that the reception of Holy Communion be in the hand only. For those who want to receive Holy Communion on the tongue, please come forward to receive toward the end of the communion line and receive from the priest. For those receiving on the tongue, we ask that you stick out your tongue to make distribution easier for the priest.
For reception in the hand, please extend your hands in front of you with one hand placed on top of the other so that the host can be given with minimal risk of contact.
Parishes are to remove the holy water from the fonts. The fonts are to be removed if possible; if this is not possible, nothing else (i.e. sand) should be placed in the font.
All communion vessels (chalices, ciboria, and patens) are to be washed with a mild soap and hot water after every Mass.
These changes are in addition to the directives noted in the March 3, 2020, notice that was sent to all parishes.