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Catholic Cemeteries

“Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.”


Mission and Ministry

It is important to place the Catholic cemetery within the Catholic burial tradition. That tradition flows out of fundamental tenets of the Catholic faith that include:

  • the dignity of each individual human person;
  • the importance of Baptism into the faith;
  • the reality of the resurrection of Jesus Christ;
  • the promise of Jesus that His followers will share eternal life;
  • the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass uniting us to the Cross and our expression of adoration, thanksgiving, petition and supplication.

The operation of a Catholic cemetery ministry should support each of these tenets.


Policies and Procedures

The diocesan bishop approves and promulgates policies and procedures for operation of parochial cemeteries within the Diocese. Policy development is guided by input from pastors or administrators with parochial cemeteries, the diocesan director of cemeteries, the chancellor, diocesan consultative bodies and any current or future diocesan cemetery advisory board. Independent parochial cemetery evaluations may also guide policy development. (cf. Canons 1243 and 1276 of the Code of Canon Law).

Read the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington Manual of Policies for Catholic Cemeteries.


Rules and Regulations

Catholic cemeteries are intended for the interment of Catholics who have the right to Christian burial according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church and the regulations of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington. Cemeteries are designed for the interment, entombment and inurnment of properly prepared human remains only. Catholic cemeteries are sacred ground.

Read the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington Catholic Cemetery Rules and Regulations.


Supporting parish cemeteries

The Catholic cemeteries in the Diocese of Burlington are managed by the parishes of which they are parts. The Diocese offers them support in many ways, including accounting services, investment options, cemetery management software suggestions, policies and procedures and rules and regulations guidance.

Part of Diocesan Cemeteries’ mission is to provide for the needs of the parish cemeteries so that they can make their cemeteries sacred, safe and reverent places to pray and to remember loved ones.

Questions or concerns can be directed to the parish office of the cemetery of concern or to Diocesan Cemeteries.




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