The Office of Worship fosters the full, conscious and active participation of the faithful in the celebration of liturgy.
News from the Office of Worship
INVENTORY OF LITURGICAL ITEMS AVAILABLE FOR PARISHES AND CATHOLIC INSTITUTIONS: The Office of Worship has created an online inventory of liturgical and devotional items from closed churches that are being made available to other parishes and Catholic institutions in the Diocese. Photos and descriptions are included for most items, and items can be reserved online. Contact the Office of Worship for access to the online inventory or consult the Chancery Bulletin.
Process for DONATING Items to Diocesan Liturgical Storage
Process for RECEIVING Items from Diocesan Liturgical Storage
RITE OF ELECTION & CALL TO CONTINUING CONVERSION: The Rite of Election & Call to Continuing Conversion will be celebrated by Bishop McDermott on the First Sunday of Lent, March 9, at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph at 3:00 pm. This ritual marks the end of the catechumenate for those in our diocese preparing to be baptized at Easter and marks the beginning of a period of final, more intense spiritual preparation to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. During the ritual, on the basis of testimony from the catechumen’s godparents and their own reaffirmation of their intention, the Church decides on their advance toward the sacraments of initiation and “elects” them to complete their preparation and receive baptism at Easter. Bishop McDermott, in the name of the Diocese of Burlington, also recognizes the already-baptized adults preparing to fully join the Catholic Church and complete their initiation through the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. He will call them to continue their journey of conversion toward full initiation.
Parishes that have catechumens and candidates in an OCIA process are asked to send them to the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion. More information and a registration form can be found below.
All are welcome to join us for this special liturgy as a pledge of prayerful support for the catechumens and candidates from around the diocese.
A reception will follow in the parish hall for all who attend.
THE CHRISM MASS: The annual Diocesan Chrism Mass will be held on Tuesday, April 15 at 11:00 am at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph in Burlington. At this special Mass celebrated by Bishop McDermott, the Oil of Chrism is consecrated, the Oils of Catechumens and the Sick are blessed, and the priests within the Diocese of Burlington recommit themselves to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ. Free parking is available along Elmwood Avenue and pay lots/garages are near the Cathedral. Carpooling is highly encouraged.
All are invited to join in celebrating this special Mass. Parish representatives may pick up holy oils for their parish after the Mass in the lower-level chapel.
FALL 2024 OCIA FORMATION SERIES: The revised Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA, formerly RCIA) has recently been approved for use in the United States of America and will be available for purchase November 1. This fall, the Office of Worship offered a 4-part formation series meant for clergy, PCLs, and those catechists involved in the OCIA process in their parishes. Sessions can be viewed below.
September: From RCIA to OCIA: The Broad Vision for Christian Initiation of Adults
Video Presentation:
Handout 1: First Steps to Consider in Implementing the Church’s OCIA Vision
Handout 2: OCIA Paragraph 75
Handout 3: National Statutes for the Christian Initiation of Adults
October: Inquirers and Catechumens: From the Initial Encounter through the Period of the Catechumenate
Video Presentation:
Handout 1: Rite of Entrance into the Catechumenate – Outline and Points for Consideration
November: Elect and Neophytes: The Period of Purification and Enlightenment and Celebration of Initiation
Video Presentation:
Powerpoint Presentation: Powerpoint for Session III
Handout 1: The Rite of Sending – Outline and Points for Consideration
Handout 2: The Scrutinies – Outline and Points for Consideration
Handout 3: Initiation Chart for the Diocese of Burlington (April 2022)
December: Special Circumstances: Children and the OCIA, Those Already Baptized, Marriage Matters, Abbreviated Forms of the OCIA
Video Presentation:
Powerpoint Presentation: Powerpoint for Session IV
Handout 1: The Rite of Welcome for Candidates – Outline and Points for Consideration
Handout 2: The Rite of Sending for Candidates – Outline and Points for Consideration
Handout 3: Rite of Calling to Continuing Conversion for Candidates – Outline and Points for Consideration
Handout 4: The Penitential Rite for Candidates – Outline and Points for Consideration
Handout 5: Simpler Order of Adult Initiation – An Outline
Diocesan Liturgical Policies and Guidelines
The Diocesan Office of Worship and the Diocesan Worship Commission have been charged with working to update various diocesan policies and guidelines concerning liturgy, including guidelines for liturgical ministers, music, the celebration of matrimony and funerals, art and environment and Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. As these policies are approved, they will be posted here.
Liturgical Guidelines for the Diocese of Burlington
- Preparing a Parish Mass with the Bishop as Celebrant (Note: will be updated soon to contain information for visits by Bishop McDermott).
- Planning Sheet for the Celebration of Mass with the Bishop
- Information for Rite of Election & Call to Continuing Conversion and Registration Form for 2025
- Adult Confirmation Registration Form
- Request for Holy Oils Form
- Order Form
- Prayer for the Return of a Non-Practicing Catholic Pew/Holy Cards
- Bishop deGoesbriand Holy Card
- Prayer for Grandparents and Elders Holy Card
- A Guide to the Celebration of Mass for Visitors and Guests Worship Aid Booklet
- Aid for Celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation (according to the 2023 Order of Penance).
Online Resources
Liturgical Catechesis & Formation
Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy: The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy was the first formal document issued by the Second Vatican Council. The document lays out the vision the council had for the reform of the liturgy which is still being realized today.
General Instruction of the Roman Missal: This detailed document contains the directives for how to celebrate the Mass.
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Divine Worship: The Bishop’s Committee on Divine Worship is the national committee of bishops responsible for all things having to do with the liturgy in the United States and assists the bishops, both collectively and individually, in liturgical matters. They also have a helpful and extensive Prayer and Worship resources that links to many articles on the Mass and the other sacraments, as well as information on devotions and private prayers.
Taking the Time for Advent: Josh Perry, Director of the Office of Worship, offers a reflection on how Advent prepares us to encounter Christ coming in history, Christ coming in mystery, and Christ coming in majesty and how we can best take the time during Advent to prepare for our encounters with God. Watch Taking the Time for Advent – 2020.
Resources for Lectors: The preparation that occurs in the week prior to one proclaiming the Word of God at Mass is an essential part of the Lector ministry and is as important as the proclamation itself. Workshops on Preparing, Praying with, and Practicing the readings have taken place throughout the diocese. A video of this two-hour workshop is available; email Josh Perry for instructions on how to access the video. A list of additional Lector Resources are also available to download.
Funeral Resources: During the month of November, the Church traditionally remembers in a special way those who have died. This is an opportune time to learn more about the Funeral Liturgy the Church offers to the faithful when they die. The articles below provide some initial background on these liturgies. Please contact the Office of Worship or your local pastor if you have particular questions.
A Personal Reflection on the Funeral Mass
November as a Month of Remembering
The Funeral Rites: Three Stages of Prayer
Gathering in the Presence of the Body – A model prayer service when the family first gathers before a wake or funeral service.
Order of Visiting a Cemetery – A model prayer service that can be used when visiting a grave.
Various Prayers for the Month of November
Liturgical Music and Musicians
Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship is a document that provides guidance for the use of music in the liturgy. The document was approved by the U.S. Conference of Catholic bishops in 2007 and is a helpful resource for clergy and liturgical musicians, especially those responsible for coordinating the music at Mass and other liturgical celebrations.
Liturgical Art and Environment
Built of Living Stones, published by the United States bishops in 2000, is a guide that helps parishes plan for the building and renovation of a church. Also included in the document are guidelines and reflections on the use and place of sacred art in worship as well as preparing the church environment for the different liturgical seasons.