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Religious Education

“The fundamental task of catechesis is … the formation of disciples of Jesus Christ.” (National Directory for Catechesis)

The Sacrament of Confirmation

Episode One

Episode Three


Episode Four

Episode Five

Episode Six


Episode Seven

Episode 7 “Celebration and Looking Ahead” from Diocese of Burlington on Vimeo.

Diocese of Burlington Confirmation Curriculum Discipleship Plan Instructions


Totus Tuus is a week-long camp offered at local parishes for grade-school children during the day and high schoolers at night. For more information (schedule, contacts, hiring), visit our dedicated Totus Tuus page here.

Parish Catechetical Leaders (PCLs)

PCL Certification:

Beginning in August 2019, Vermont’s PCLs began a new certification process in partnership with Franciscan University’s Catechetical Institute. Each catechetical leader has two years to complete this 12-workshop certification. For more information please see our PCL Certification Information & FAQs

Are you a new PCL?

PCL stands for parish catechetical leader. Each parish religious education program has (usually) one PCL – often called the Director of Religious Education, Coordinator of Faith Formation, or something similar.

Contact the manager of religious education and catechesis to get connected with the Diocese and ask any questions you may have as you start in your ministry. 

PCL Monthly Newsletters:

Each month, the diocese sends out a newsletter specifically tailored for PCLs with need-to-know information and tips that will help you in your ministry. If you aren’t receiving the newsletter, please contact Daniel Lacourrege at [email protected] and we will make sure you are added to the list.

Policies & Child Protection

Read the Religious Education Policies and Guidelines for Catechetical Leaders.

Safe and Sacred and Circle of Grace information can be found on the Protecting Our Children pages.

PCL Certification:

Beginning in August 2019, Vermont’s PCLs began a new certification process in partnership with Franciscan University’s Catechetical Institute. Each catechetical leader has two years to complete this 12-workshop certification. For more information please see our PCL Certification Information & FAQs. To sign up for this program go here!

Are you a new PCL?

PCL stands for parish catechetical leader. Each parish religious education program has (usually) one PCL – often called the Director of Religious Education, Coordinator of Faith Formation, or something similar.

Contact the manager of religious education and catechesis to get connected with the Diocese and ask any questions you may have as you start in your ministry. 

PCL Monthly Newsletters:

Each month, the diocese sends out a newsletter specifically tailored for PCLs with need-to-know information and tips that will help you in your ministry. If you aren’t receiving the newsletter, please contact Daniel Lacourrege at [email protected] and we will make sure you are added to the list.

Policies & Child Protection

Read the Religious Education Policies and Guidelines for Catechetical Leaders.

Safe and Sacred and Circle of Grace information can be found on the Protecting Our Children pages.

Formation Opportunities for Catechists & PCLs:

  • Annual Pastoral Ministries Conference: Each year, in the fall, we offer a conference for those in all forms of pastoral ministry. This conference features a keynote speaker and workshops relevant to different areas of ministry – including catechesis!
  • Annual St. John Bosco Conference for Religious Educators: This Monday-Thursday conference in Ohio is a unique and wonderful opportunity to learn new skills as a religious educator, learn from national speakers about topics that matter to you and enjoy a retreat-like atmosphere at Franciscan University. 

Growing in relationship with God and learning about faith is a process that never ends. “Ongoing catechesis is ‘a lifelong process for the individual and a constant and concerted pastoral activity of the Christian community’” (National Directory for Catechesis). Check with your local parish for opportunities to continue your faith formation journey. Additionally, check out the useful resources below.

Online Resources:

                             Special Needs Handout

Books to grow in your faith: