The Office of Development and Stewardship serves the parishes, schools and agencies of the Diocese by coordinating the Bishop’s Annual Appeal and providing education and consultation about stewardship, development and capital campaign best practices.
Bishop’s Annual Appeal
The Bishop’s Annual Appeal supports ministries and programs that impact all 12 Catholic schools, 68 parishes and 118,000 Catholics in Vermont. The appeal provides the necessary resources to serve people throughout the state, such as provide emergency aid and counseling, evangelization and youth outreach, Catholic and religious education, vocations training, marriage and family services, Vermont Catholic news, Chancery operations and more.
Giving Societies
The roots of our Catholic faith here in Vermont lie in our noteworthy history. The Diocese of Burlington was established in 1853 when Bishop Louis deGoesbriand was appointed the first bishop of Burlington. Today, that spirit lives on in the members of the 1853 Society, deGoesbriand Circle and Founder’s Society who gather throughout the year for fellowship and briefings with the bishop about the impact of their generosity on the Catholic Church of Vermont.
Parish Resources
Stewardship is a multi-faceted concept that includes prayer, service and sharing. Countless Catholic parishes throughout the United States have experienced a revitalization and renewal when the faith community understood and put all three into action. Consultation and resources are available to establish and/or implement a parish stewardship program as well as capital campaign planning.
Vermont Catholic Community Foundation
Vermont Catholic Community Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 separate from the Diocese of Burlington that supports Catholic and other social service programs throughout the state that align with the mission and social teachings of the Church at the direction of donors. The foundation responds to the needs of Catholic donors by offering more choice about what they want to fund and investments that reflect the faith. In addition, the foundation offers a menu of giving options such as bequests, endowments, trusts, charitable gift annuities, insurance and specialty assets.