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The Communication Office makes accessible the teachings of the Catholic Church and shares the work of the Catholic community in Vermont in multiple media forms: text, image, audio, video and social media.

Vermont Catholic

Vermont Catholic is the official publication of the Diocese of Burlington. Vermont Catholic magazine is a quarterly, print publication that can be received as a gift to your home for a $24 donation to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Vermont Catholic Online News is up-to-date daily news published on the Vermont Catholic website. [LINK Vermont Catholic Online News to corresponding webpage, LINK Vermont Catholic Magazine to digital version of print issue]

The Inland See

The Inland See is a weekly bulletin from the Diocese to the parishes. It includes a feature article communicating important diocesan news and an events calendar noting upcoming parish events throughout the state. Submit your events to The Inland See calendar at [LINK to event submission page for digital calendar.] The Inland See feature articles can be found on Vermont Catholic Online News, and the events calendar can be found at [calendar URL]. If you would like a printable, PDF copy of one of the bulletins, please contact [email protected].

TV Mass

The TV Mass is seen on Sundays at 5:30 a.m. on WCAX Channel 3 and on local Public Access Channels throughout the state. Contact your local Public Access Channel for local view times.

The Mass each Sunday is offered for the viewers and their intentions, particularly those enrolled in the TV Mass Society. To enroll as a member, send your name and contact information to: TV Mass Society, 55 Joy Drive, South Burlington, VT 05403. Since the production and distribution of the televised Mass incurs some expenses, any contributions made, small or large, will help support this vital ministry and make it possible for people who can no longer attend Mass in their own parishes to view the TV Mass and remain involved in this prayer of the Church.

Watch Catholic TV (Boston) – Daily Mass On-line

Watch Catholic TV (Boston) – Notre Dame Sunday Mass On-line

Catholic Radio

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Radio  is an affiliate of EWTN Catholic Radio broadcasting out of Winooski, Vermont. A non-profit corporation supported by but independent from the Diocese of Burlington, Our Lady of Perpetual Help radio reaches communities in the Burlington Vermont, area, with the signal extending across Lake Champlain into New York. Through broadcasting scripture, sound doctrine and pastoral advice, OLPH radio is committed to helping its audience understand the Catholic faith, increase hope by preaching truth and bring about the interior conversion that is demanded by the Gospels.

Press Releases

The Office of Communication represents the Diocese of Burlington to the media. Responsibilities include preparing and distributing statements and other resources for the media, arranging for interviews with the bishop and staff and responding to media queries. The Diocese publishes press releases through Vermont Catholic Online News. 

Social Channels

Follow the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest @DioBurlington. Stay informed on the latest Catholic news and upcoming events in the Diocese.