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Taize prayer service

Sacred Heart-St. Francis de Sales Church - Bennington Bennington, VT, United States

On Sept. 27 at 6 p.m., the parishioners of Sacred Heart St. Francis de Sales Church in Bennington and St. John the Baptist Church in North Bennington will gather for a Taize prayer service to pray for the work and success of their parish ministries, programs, committees, and catechists, as well as the students, faculty, staff […]

Marriage Encounter Experience – Barre VT – October 20-22, 2023

St. Monica - St. Michael School 79 Summer St., Barre, VT, United States

This autumn, renew and rekindle your relationship with your spouse and God. The Worldwide Marriage Encounter Experience is primarily a space for you to pause, reflect, and reconnect privately. The […]

An Acadian Genealogy Primer

An Acadian Genealogy Primer will be presented by Donlon Hurtubise on Oct. 28. The expulsion of Acadians from what is now called Nova Scotia was a major event in Canada’s early […]


Day of the Dead celebration

There will be a Day of the Dead celebration, including Mass, celebrated Nov. 2 at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Middlebury. Dominican Father Tim Danaher and Father Luke Austin, pastor, will be the celebrants of the 7 p.m. Mass in Spanish. It will be followed by a procession around the Middlebury College […]


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