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‘9 Days for Life’ unites hundreds of thousands in prayer for the protection of life

Catholics nationwide are invited to pray “9 Days for Life,” an annual Respect Life novena beginning Jan. 16.

In the Catholic Church, a “novena” consists of prayers over nine successive days, and this particular novena is an opportunity for prayer and reparation in observance of the annual Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children on Jan. 22.

Participants may access the novena and also subscribe to receive the daily prayers by email or text message in English at 9daysforlife.com or in Spanish at respectlife.org/9-dias-por-la-vida.

Sponsored by the Committee on Pro-Life Activities of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the novena began in 2013 in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade—the Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal throughout the United States. While the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization returned the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives at federal and state levels, continuing efforts are needed to protect children and their mothers from the tragedy of abortion. This is the twelfth year the novena is taking place. Since the novena began, it has reached hundreds of thousands of people in over one hundred countries spanning six continents.

The overarching intention of the novena is the end to abortion. Each daily prayer intention highlights a related topic and is accompanied by a reflection, educational information, and suggested daily actions. A resource kit is available, featuring the daily prayer intentions and reflections, among other materials.

For additional information and updates throughout the novena, follow on X (formerly known as Twitter), Facebook, and Instagram.

9 Days for Life, National Prayer Vigil for Life

The Diocese of Burlington is encouraging a variety of events to mark 9 Days for Life, linking it with a nationwide prayer vigil to mark the 48th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions legalizing abortion through nine months of pregnancy.

Since those decisions, more than 60 million abortions have been performed legally in the United States.

“We’re advertising this [prayer vigil] as part of our 9 Days for Life campaign — linking with what the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is calling for,” explained Deacon Phil Lawson, executive director of evangelization, catechesis, divine worship, marriage and family and respect life.

Catholics throughout the country are encouraged to observe a nationwide prayer vigil from Jan. 28 to Jan. 29.

Each January, the National Prayer Vigil for Life is hosted by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Pro-Life Secretariat, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, and The Catholic University of America’s Office of Campus Ministry to pray for an end to abortion and a greater respect for all human life.

The theme for the 2021 March for Life is “Together Strong: Life Unites.”

January is Respect Life Month, a time to focus efforts and prayers on saving the most vulnerable.

Phyllis Harkonen, respect life coordinator, is assisting with programs in the Diocese of Burlington.

While thousands of pilgrims usually attend the Washington, D.C., vigil in person each year, the basilica will not be open to the public for the 2021 vigil due to local attendance restrictions in place because of the coronavirus pandemic. In response, this year, for the first time ever, in addition to the televised Mass, bishops in Dioceses throughout the country will be taking turns leading live-streamed holy hours every hour on the hour throughout the all-night vigil.

The vigil will begin with a live broadcast at 8 p.m. on Jan. 28 from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington with a rosary, followed by Mass opening the National Prayer Vigil for Life. The principal celebrant and homilist for the opening Mass will be Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, who is chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. After the Mass and throughout the night, holy hours led by bishops from various dioceses around the country will be broadcast on the USCCB’s website. The vigil concludes at 8 a.m. on Jan. 29 with Mass celebrated by Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore.

In the Diocese of Burlington, the following activities are suggested for the 9 Days for Life:

Jan. 21

Beginning of 9 Days for Life Novena – Pray together with thousands of other Catholics nationwide for the protection of human life. Sign up to have the novena prayers emailed direct to you.


Jan. 22

Spiritually adopt a child in danger of abortion. Pray three Hail Marys for him or her.

Jan. 23

Mass for Life with Burlington Bishop Christopher Coyne, St. Augustine Church, Montpelier, 9:30 a.m.

Join in-person or online:


or through the Diocese of Burlington’s Facebook:


Rally for Life immediately after. See vrlc.net for updates and information.

Jan. 24

Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for a mother mourning an abortion that she may find comfort and healing.


Jan. 25

Familiarize yourself with the work of Pope St. John Paul II, The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae). Download a free summary compendium of this prophetic writing here: usccb.org/resources/rlp-20-ev-compendium.pdf.

Jan. 26

Support and pray for the pro-life pregnancy centers throughout Vermont.

To locate one near you go to: ubipetrusvt.com/knights4life.

January 27

Offer a rosary for a father who is dealing with his partner’s unexpected pregnancy. Pray that he finds courage and strength to care for his family.

Jan. 28

National Prayer Vigil for Life


The faithful are encouraged to join virtually on EWTN or the basilica’s website.

All prayer events on Jan. 28 and 29 will be televised by EWTN.

Jan. 29

March for Life, Washington, D.C.

Watch live on EWTN:  ewtn.com/prolife.

Bonus Event for Life:

Jan. 31

CNS/Gregory A. Shemitz

Envision Life — Youth/Young Adult event (ages 18-35)

6 p.m. Prayer/church service at St. John Vianney Church, South Burlington

All youth/young adults invited.

7 p.m. Pro-life student speakers – online webinar featuring Molly Sheehan and Krista Corbello


9/11 remembrance

Members of the Christ the King School community in Burlington paused Sept. 10 to pray, remember and reflect on the events of Sept. 11, 2001. Although none of the students were born yet, their lives have been shaped by the events of that tragic day when the United States suffered terror attacks. Twenty years later the students, staff and their friends from SD Ireland working on construction projects in the neighborhood gathered and prayed for all those lost, those who lost loved ones, those who helped and all who work for peace in the world.

A video of the event can be found at cksvt.org.

8th Annual Vermont Catholic Women’s Retreat

8th Annual Vermont Catholic Women’s Retreat

Let yourself be transformed.

Saturday, Nov. 16, 2019 8 am – 4 pm

St. John Vianney Parish Center 160 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington

Register at vermontcatholic.org/womensretreat2019

How often are you able to rest in the mercy of Christ? Are you able to fully listen to how you are being called to transform your family and community through discipleship? Discover the beauty that God see’s in you at the 8th Annual Vermont Catholic Women’s Retreat.

When asked what they took away from the Women’s Retreat, 2018 participants shared:

“I am so loved!”

“To reflect and mediate on the truth that I am a cherished daughter of God. To embrace this and act accordingly”

“To know my worth as a Catholic woman.”

“Renewed spirit about the role of women in my life.”

—Originally published in the October 25 – November 1, 2019, issue of The Inland See.


8-year-old Andrew Gradziel spreads love with his creative projects

Eight-year-old Andrew Gradziel is a young boy with a heart full of empathy.

As Valentine’s Day approached, he spent three weeks making 51 valentines for residents of the St. Joseph/Kervick Home in Rutland so residents “would feel love in their heart.”

He and his mother, Marianne, visited the Vermont Catholic Charities elder care home to distribute them in the activities room on Valentine’s Day and spent time visiting with residents.

“The residents just loved having Andrew here on Valentine Day,” said Rosie Poczobut, activity director. “They could not get over how these were not your typical valentine. He had every valentine different from the other. Andrew is such a cute, loving little guy.”

Many of the cards he made had cardboard inserts of hearts or 3D flowers; they were like little gifts inside the cards.

His favorite valentines featured a jet; he collects model jets and flies a remote-control plane. He is interested in World War II history; one grandfather served in that war and his other grandfather served in Korea.

“The residents were thrilled and took their valentine back to their room to be admired. The men were just as happy as the women,” Poczobut said. Some displayed their card in their room for decoration; some shared it with other residents.

Andrew lives in Sudbury and will be making his First Communion later this year at Our Lady of Seven Dolors Church in Fair Haven. “Jesus said, ‘Love one another as I have loved you,’” he said.

And that’s what the homeschooled boy, an only child, was doing with his valentines.

The Gradziels chose St. Joseph Kervick Home as the recipient of the missives because Mrs. Gradziel’s grandmother had “taken care of the Sisters” of St. Joseph who lived there when it was Mount St. Joseph Convent.

Andrew enjoys spending time with older people. “I feel very happy with them,” he said.

And they enjoy their time with him. “On Valentine’s Day when he was here passing the valentines out, he was happy because he could see all the smiles and hugs and compliments he was getting,” Poczobut said. “He understood how all his hard work had paid off in helping these residents. I explained to him how much love he had brought to these people and how much they all appreciated him.”

Andrew, who enjoys reading and writing, also made 48 Lenten mementos he distributed at Our Lady of Seven Dolors Church: He attached a crayon to cards that bore the message, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”

Now he is working on a spring poster to deliver to St. Joseph Kervick Home for Easter.

His concern for others makes his parents proud. “He’s a little guy with a big heart. It reaffirms what his Dad and I teach him about empathy,” his mother said.



8 of the most popular novenas

A novena is a traditional form of Catholic prayer lasting nine days. Typically, novenas focus on asking God for a specific intention and many are prayed through a saint’s intercession. Novenas are a beautiful way to grow in prayer and nurture your spiritual life.

Here are eight of the most popular novenas:

Novena to the Holy Spirit

Also known as the Pentecost Novena, this was the first novena ever prayed by Jesus’ disciples and the Blessed Virgin Mary after Jesus ascended into heaven. Catholics pray this novena during the nine days that fall between the feast of the Ascension and the feast of Pentecost. The novena asks for the Holy Spirit’s seven gifts: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.

Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was started by St. Margaret Mary Alacoque after experiencing apparitions of Jesus to spread this devotion. It is also said that St. Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) prayed the Sacred Heart novena prayer every day. The Sacred Heart Novena is traditionally prayed during the nine days leading up to the solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is always 19 days after Pentecost.

Novena of Divine Mercy

The Divine Mercy Novena was given to St. Faustina Kowalska by Jesus. He told the Polish nun that the novena was to start on Good Friday and gave her an intention to pray for on each day. The novena consists of praying a Divine Mercy Chaplet followed by the daily prayer intentions. While this novena can be prayed during any time of the year, it is recommended to begin on Good Friday in preparation for the feast of Divine Mercy, which is celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter.

Novena to the Holy Family

The Holy Family Novena is typically prayed during the nine days leading up to the feast of the Holy Family, which is celebrated on the Sunday after Christmas, and encourages the faithful to meditate and reflect on the Holy Family so that we can model our own families after them. It also serves as a great way to grow closer with your family and strengthen your relationships through prayer.

Christmas novena

The Christmas novena starts on Dec. 16 and ends on Christmas Eve. It includes a daily Scripture reading, a meditation, an antiphon, the Magnificat, intercessions, and a closing prayer. Father Charles Vachetta is credited with writing the novena in 1721 in hopes of inspiring his parishioners with the coming of Christ during Advent.

Surrender Novena

In the Surrender Novena, the faithful focus on letting go of their own will for their lives and strive to live their lives according to God’s will for them and place complete trust in him. The novena comes from Father Dolindo Ruotolo, who is a servant of God and candidate for beatification. We can pray this novena whenever we are struggling to let go of worries or doubts and need the Lord to take care of things.

Mother Teresa’s emergency novena

Have you ever found yourself in need of an answer but don’t have the time for prayers of petition for multiple days in a row? St. Teresa of Calcutta would turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary in these cases and pray her “Flying Novena.” The quick novena consists of saying 10 Memorares — a centuries-old prayer asking for the intercession of the Blessed Mother.

The 54-Day Novena

The 54-Day Novena originated in the late 19th century in Naples, Italy, after a young girl suffering from what was thought to be an incurable illness called on the Blessed Virgin Mary for help. The Blessed Mother appeared to the young girl and told her she would be healed if she prayed three novenas. The young girl was miraculously healed. The Blessed Mother appeared once more to the young girl and this time added that those who want their requests granted should pray three novenas in petition and three novenas in thanksgiving.

Therefore, the first 27 days of this novena consist of a rosary said each day in petition followed by another 27 days consisting of a daily rosary said in thanksgiving, whether or not your request has been granted. This novena can be prayed anytime, however, and many choose to begin or end the novena on a Marian feast day.