Mount St. Joseph Academy graduation
Twenty-eight students graduated from Mount St. Joseph Academy in Rutland at the 132nd commencement June 7 at St. Peter Church.
Msgr. John McDermott, vicar general of the Diocese of Burlington, and MSJ Principal Sarah Fortier awarded diplomas to the graduates.
In her valedictory address, Victoria Tracy reminisced about good times at MSJ, thanked her family for their support and her teachers for their work and encouraged her classmates to do great things and change the world.
“Similar to many kids entering high school, I was searching for a place to belong. MSJ gave me that and so much more. To the teachers and faculty, thank you for challenging me to think further, work harder and dream bigger. Without you as my teachers, I wouldn’t have been able to achieve what I have or what I will in the future. Thank you for the doors you have opened for me,” she said.
Fortier encouraged students to carry on the mission of MSJ long after they have left the Catholic high school. “This is my challenge to you: go out and live the mission. Use the gifts and talents that God has given you to contribute to a just world. Look to people in your life to help you stay focused on your journey like my father and best friend do.”
She called on them to trust in God: “He has a plan for each of you. When you are not sure what path to take ask Him. He will guide you in the right way. He knows you better than you know yourself. and He will always be there for you.”
Salutatorian Kristen Elliott reminded students that failure can lead to greater success.
“Failures in life are not the end, they are merely an obstacle in the road that must be overcome in order to reach the result we desire. A goal we have reached with ease is nowhere near as satisfactory as a goal we have reached by overcoming challenges, by facing conflict head on, by embracing the unknown. We must acknowledge our limitations but remember that they do not confine us,” he said.
Mary Babb received the Veritas et Puritas Award, recognizing outstanding character and service to others.
Mount St. Joseph Class of 2019
David Jonathan Alexandre
Mary Margaret Babb
Mahalia Claire Bijou
Paola Andy Bruno
Leonardo Guillermo Carranza
Rory Belle Carrara
Kristen Elizabeth Elliott
Logan Ashley Fuller
Ben Shemaya Geneus
Abigail Jane Hanley
Syeda Fatima Zahra Hussnane
Hitoshi Kondo
Carly Nicole LaFlamme
Julia Kathleen Lee
William Li
Sophie Lynn Markowski
Roahan Michael McGee
Logan Mario Montilla
Lucas Gregory Pencak
Rachele Maynaz Reicker
Antoine Harold Edouard Saint-Surin
Claude Michel Anthony Thebaud
Avery Gunnar Thurston
Victoria Ann Tracy
Steven Paul Wilson
Miraclelynn Wood
Elizabeth Marguerite Aldridge Wright
Keaton Richard Wright-Chapman