Life is Precious Trip
The Diocese of Burlington again will sponsor a youth pilgrimage to Washington, D.C. This second annual “Life is Precious” trip will take place Jan. 17-20, 2019.
The Life is Precious trip is a comprehensive experience that reflects upon the dignity and worth of all human life. We will not only focus on the unborn but also the elderly, immigrants and the poor as well as upon racial justice, Anti-Semitism and
other important issues in our world today.
Participants will attend the large and dynamic Youth Rally for Life with thousands of other teens from throughout the country, participate in the March for Life and enjoy
fellowship with other youth groups. We will visit the largest Catholic Church in North America, the National Basilica of the Immaculate Conception.
Other highlights will include visits to the Lincoln Memorial and the new Shrine of St. John Paul II.
We are again planning on visiting a nursing home and perform some form of outreach to the homeless and needy.
Last year a man who was formerly homeless gave a witness talk to the participants, sharing with them what it is like to live on the street and some of the poor choices he made that led him to homelessness. The teens came to see how the homeless are people with stories and a history, leading to a great compassion. A participant from last year said, “It was an incredible experience. I made many friends from the trip who shared the same beliefs as I do. We were united in a common cause. It was also great seeing so many from the around the country — particularly young people — who share the same concern for human life. The trip was incredible to say the least!” The Life is Precious trip is open to all high school teens and young adults. Please consider joining us.
Cost: $150 includes bus.
- Bill Gavin, director of youth and young adult ministry.
- For more information, go to life-is-precious-trip.
- Originally published in the Nov. 24-30, 2018, issue of The Inland See.