Burlington Bishop Christopher Coyne has approved recruiting another class of aspirants to the Permanent Diaconate Formation to begin in August.

Applicants should possess a record of service within their parish and be recommended by their own pastor. That service should include provision of ministry to persons. In addition, they will have completed the two-year Lay Ministry Formation Program prior to beginning of Diaconate Formation. Applicants must have a mature spirituality focused on the person of Jesus Christ and his Blesses Mother. They must have the combination of interpersonal skills necessary to effectively minister and possess a “servant’s heart”.

In addition, they must have the ability to handle the required theological education. If married, they will have to be married for at least five years by the date of their ordination. They must also have the support of their wife.

Please understand that the diaconate is a calling, just as any vocation is. The applicant must discern the call. In addition, the church must also discern that God is calling the applicant. Men who think they might be called to the permanent diaconate should begin by discussing the matter with their own pastor.

The ministry of a permanent deacon is threefold:

  • Proclaiming the word of God, specifically the Gospel at Mass and by preaching.
  • Sacrament: Distribution of Holy Communion. Administering Baptism. Witnessing and officiating at Marriages; deacons also may perform wake services, funerals and interment services.
  • The majority of a deacon’s ministry is in charitable roles ranging from soup kitchens or food shelves to prison ministry to ministry to the sick and homebound and many other niches.

Additional information on the permanent diaconate may be obtained on the diocesan webpage:


Or you may contact Deacon Pete Gummere, director of the Permanent Diaconate. You may leave a message at 802-658-6110 ext. 1152, or by email: [email protected]