Hope, Healing & Outreach Workshop for Catholics Who Are Separated or Divorced

Featuring: Lisa Duffy

Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., St. John Vianney Parish, South Burlington

“What is urgently needed today is a ministry to care for those whose marital relationship has broken down.”  —Amoris Laetitia #238

You are invited to attend this free, one-day workshop on ministry with those who have been affected by separation or divorce. The event is part of the Diocesan Year of the Family.

One of the frequent topics brought up during this Diocesan Year of the Family is ministry and healing with those who have experienced separation or divorce in their marriages. This was something the Diocesan Year of the Family Steering Committee wanted to prioritize, specifically in raising awareness, clearing up misconceptions and providing parishes with resources for this ministry.

Pope Francis sought to encourage this in his exhortation, “The Joy of Love,” in calling for outreach and ministry with those affected by separation or divorce. Unfortunately, too often the result of this circumstance is not ministry from but estrangement from the Church community.

Duffy is one of the foremost experts and speakers in the country on the topic of healing and ministry dealing with the tragedy of divorce. Having experienced the tragedy of an unwanted divorce in the early 1990’s, she also has nearly 20 years of personal experience helping people rebuild their lives after divorce. She is the author of many books on divorce recovery and has instituted the Journey of Hope program for Catholic divorce support groups in parishes throughout the United States and Canada. More information about her can be found at lisaduffy.com.

The judicial vicar for the Diocese of Burlington, Father Luke Austin, who handles annulment cases for the Diocese, also will present.

Anyone with a heart for this healing ministry of accompaniment, including those who have experienced this trial, as well as clergy and parish leaders, is welcome to attend this free, one-day workshop.

Register at: vermontcatholic.org/separateddivorcedworkshop.

For more information, contact Deacon Phil Lawson at 802-658-6110 ext. 1453 or [email protected].

 —Deacon Phil Lawson is the executive director of evangelization, catechesis, divine worship, marriage and family and respect life for the Diocese of Burlington.