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‘That’s me’

My 5-year-old daughter, like most children, loves to have stories read to her. And seemingly whatever story we read, as she sees the pictures and hears the story she inevitably points to a character.  This is usually the little girl in the story — or a princess, or certainly any girl with a pretty pink dress — and says, “That’s me.”

The story can be the Berenstain Bears, Dr. Seuss, or a princess story, but at some point, as I read the story, I’ll hear, “That’s me.” In her young world, she is happy when she can find someone to identify with, some place where she can see herself in the story.

Those of you familiar with the practice of Lectio Divina will immediately recognize the resemblance to one way of reading the scriptures. In Lectio Divina, we are invited to see ourselves in the characters that we read about, whether it be one of the disciples, blind Bartimeus, the Samaritan woman at the well, or any of the countless others.  We are invited to see ourselves in them, and by virtue of that come to a deeper relationship with our Lord.

In the context of this article, with the education focus in this issue of Vermont Catholic, I want to extend this idea a step further. Isn’t the best way of teaching faith modeling it? Isn’t the best way of passing on the faith living a life that prompts others, especially young people to “read” or see us and say, “That’s me” — especially for young people, as they consider future possibilities, to see a teacher, a firefighter, a doctor, an IT professional, living and teaching their faith.

Quite frankly that’s how many people discern religious life and the priesthood, by seeing religious sisters and brothers and priests and seeing themselves in that person, living that same life, doing the same things.

This idea of seeing others amidst their jobs and lives as models of faith is something the Church has taught in various ways for the last 2,000 years.

St. Paul, writing to the people of Corinth, encouraged them to “be imitators of me, as I am of Christ” (1 Cor 11:1).  Interestingly, St. Paul was there first teacher as he had founded the Christian community in Corinth. He was also a tentmaker. He was encouraging them to model their lives after his own lived discipleship.

St. Paul VI is his apostolic exhortation on evangelization, Evangelii Nuntiandi almost 50 years ago, noted that today people listen more to witnesses than to teachers, and if they listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses. Pope Paul was emphasizing that our teaching must first be lived as an example for others to see and emulate. This is manifest in our lives, our careers, our families.

The Directory of Catechesis also echoes this idea, emphasizing that it is the witness of the catechist that moves the heart of the hearer:  “…the life of the witness who has experienced salvation therefore becomes that which touches and moves the hearer” (#58 ).

Finally, one of my favorite quotes is an exhortation along these same lines: “It is for you to radiate the Gospel. When they see you, let them discover Jesus Christ” (“Radiating Christ” by Raoul Plus S.J.)

Many years ago, I was a storm chaser. This was before I was married and had children! I fondly recall being invited into one of the local schools to present to the children and having them recognize me from my role at the parish where I then served as the religious education director and youth minister. One of the students commented to his classmates, “he chases storms … and he goes to church!”

The challenge for us today is that there are fewer witnesses, fewer opportunities for our young people to say, “That’s me,” as they see people of faith in the world. This makes it all the more imperative that we strive to be good and joyful examples and that we take this responsibility seriously.

As we begin a new school year, we can pray that all, and especially our young people, in seeing us, in hearing us share the stories and teachings of Christ, the scriptures, the saints, and our own experience of lived Catholicism may be moved to say, “That’s me.”

And from that witness may walk this same way of Christ in His Church.

—Deacon Phil Lawson is the executive director of pastoral ministries for the Diocese of Burlington. He can be reached at plawson@vermontcatholic.org.

—Originally published in the Fall 2023 issue of Vermont Catholic magazine.



U.S. Catholics urged to promote, encourage, pray for vocations Nov. 5-11

Every year the U.S. Catholic Church dedicates a week in November to pray for and promote vocations to the priesthood, the diaconate and consecrated life through prayer and education.

This year National Vocation Awareness Week is Nov. 5-11, and Catholic organizations, dioceses, schools, and local parish communities are sponsoring events and providing different resources to raise awareness for vocations, and help those who are discerning a vocation, particularly one to ordained ministry or consecrated life.

“During this week, the Church gives thanks to God for the faithful example of husbands and wives, and joyful witness of ordained ministers and consecrated persons,” said an Oct. 30 statement from Bishop Earl Boyea of Lansing, Michigan, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations.

“We pray that many more men and women will be open to the movement of the Holy Spirit in their hearts as they discern the mission God has for them,” he said.

Bishop Austin Vetter of Helena, Montana, a member of the USCCB vocations committee,

said the week is a “wonderful time for us to hone in our efforts” to promote vocations.

“We should always have vocation awareness and always asking God for an increase of vocations to the priesthood and religious life around around the world and for our own local churches,” he said, underscoring the importance of the weeklong focus “to heighten awareness” about the need for vocations and have this on “the forefront of our minds.”

The bishop, whose statement accompanied Bishop Boyea’s remarks in a USCCB news release, also is episcopal liaison to the National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors, the National Religious Vocation Conference and Serra International.

Bishop Vetter emphasized that National Vocation Awareness Week offers a special opportunity for “redoubling our efforts of prayer that young people would be able to hear the voice — the quiet, gentle voice many times — of Jesus inviting them into a vocation as a priest or religious.”

“It’s such a beautiful life and it’s such a needed life and a life that is so loved by our people,” he added, noting his own prayers “and commitment to do my part” to increase vocations.

Beginning in 1976, the U.S. bishops designated the 28th Sunday of the year as an opportunity for the Catholic Church in the United States to renew its prayerful support for those discerning an ecclesial vocation. In 2014, the Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations committee elected to move the observance to the first week of November “to better engage Catholic educational institutions in the efforts to raise awareness for vocations,” according to the USCCB news release.

Abbatial blessing, elevation of monastery to abbey

Abbatial Blessing of Sister Benedict McLaughlin, OSB

Immaculate Heart of Mary Abbey in Westfield, Vermont

Holy Mass to be celebrated at Mater Dei Parish (191 Clermont Terrace, Newport) 10 a.m., Saturday, Nov. 11

Hidden in the heart of rural Vermont, in the heart of the Church, the nuns of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Abbey dedicate their lives to seeking God in His infinite beauty. Remaining close to His Word by a rich tradition of liturgical prayer and Gregorian chant, we contemplate, praise, and thank Him, giving voice to the needs of all humanity and creation. Our community life is lived in simplicity, obedience and joy under the Rule of St. Benedict.

On Nov. 11, the faithful of the Diocese of Burlington will join the Benedictine nuns of Immaculate Heart of Mary Abbey in Westfield as they celebrate the elevation of their monastery to an abbey and the election and blessing of their first abbess, Sister Benedict McLaughlin, OSB. This recognition makes this a momentous day for not only the Benedictine Community but for the entire Diocese of Burlington. The abbey is a part of the congregation of monks and nuns originally founded in Solesmes, France, and present in 11 countries of Europe, Africa, North American, and Central America. The abbey in Westfield was founded as a monastery in 1981, connected with the Abbaye Sainte-Marie de Deux-Montagnes, near Montreal. This year, due to the community’s stability and growth, the monastery was elevated to the rank of an abbey. On Sept. 21, Sister Benedict was elected as the first abbess of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Abbey. There will be a special Mass that includes the Rite of Blessing of an Abbess on Nov. 11, presided over by the Abbot of Solesmes. Joining him will be the abbots and abbesses from the various Benedictine religious communities that make up the Congregation of Solesmes throughout the world, as well as other priests and members of consecrated life.

This is a unique, once-in-a-lifetime blessing for both the new abbey and Diocese of Burlington, and we are grateful to invite as many as possible to experience this event.

—Originally published in the Nov. 4-10, 2023, edition of The Inland See.


Feed my sheep

After Jesus had revealed himself to His disciples and eaten breakfast with them, He said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” Simon Peter answered Him, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my lambs.” He then said to Simon Peter a second time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Simon Peter answered Him, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Tend my sheep.” He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was distressed that He had said to him a third time, “Do you love me?” and he said to Him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” [Jesus] said to him, “Feed my sheep.”

In this very private scene where Peter confesses his love for Jesus after his three-fold denial of Jesus on Holy Thursday, one can rightly interpret three degrees of feeding. There is the feeding of the physical body with food. There is the feeding of the eternal soul with the Eucharist. And lastly, there is the feeding of the emotions with love.

Each feeding responds to a particular need: hunger, salvation, and love. Every person is “hungry” to have those three needs satisfied. In most cases, I don’t recall anything particular about feeding the hungry with food — unless it was the homeless man who wanted Campbell’s chicken soup. I don’t recall anything unusual about feeding the people with the Eucharist at Mass — there are hundreds every week. But, from time to time, I do remember feeding the loveless one with love.

Once I was giving a lecture in a parish hall, and a young man wandered in. He had longish hair and was wearing a baseball cap. Right away my guard went up thinking there might be trouble. But he sat down and was respectful, although he kept his eyes closed for the entire hour.

Afterward, he started to leave, and I thought, “Oh, good he’s going. He won’t bother me.” Then he turned around and came back in to where I was sitting and sat down. He proceeded to talk to me. He said that his parents told him that he had schizophrenia, and they were concerned that he wasn’t taking his medication. He fought with them and said he doesn’t need medication and left home. He was living out of his car and was roaming the country. He was only 23 years old. He told me about getting into fights. About hearing voices. About seeing UFOs coming to get him. About people who had been kind to him. About colors talking to him. About his love life. About getting in car accidents. About his philosophy of life.

As he was talking, I was tempted to correct some things that he was saying that were irrational, but instead I simply responded with a smile, a calm voice and a sense of humor to get him laughing. I offered him my energy bar and some water — which were all I had to give. But the Lord touched my heart deeply that afternoon with a deep affection for him because this lost 23-year old was the hungry sheep who needed to be fed — not with food, not with the Eucharist, but with love during the 30 minutes we had together.

Sometimes that’s all we have to give to the homeless youth, the elderly woman with Alzheimer’s, the spouse with hearing difficulty or the child with disabilities. Jesus brings into our lives various sheep, and He asks us to feed them — in one way or another.

—Father Lance Harlow is pastor of Corpus Christ Parish based in St. Johnsbury.

—Originally published in the Fall 2023 issue of Vermont Catholic magazine.

Catholic Center to offer Alpha program to ‘introduce students to Jesus’

“College students are faced with so much isolation and trying to fill the longing in their hearts with so many things except Jesus,” said Kim Allbee, campus minister at the Catholic Center

at the University of Vermont in Burlington.

She hopes that a new program called Alpha “helps students find a community of welcome and have an encounter with Jesus to fill the longing in their hearts.”

The goal of the program is to introduce students “to Jesus and the basic kerygma in the hopes that they will form a relationship with Jesus,” she said.

The 11- week series begins Sept. 13 and is only open to University of Vermont and Champlain College students.

“The Catholic Center has decided to host this program along with the Vine Ministries because we realized that many students at the University of Vermont and Champlain College have little to no knowledge of Jesus and have not been brought up with any faith tradition,” Allbee said. “Both the Catholic Center and Vine Ministries recognize that the campuses need Jesus, and we need to bring Jesus to them in a new way. This program is geared toward people who have no faith background to introduce them to Jesus. The way this is done is through prayer and radical hospitality over a meal.”

She hopes for 20 participants for the free program.

“Free food always draws students, but the welcome, radical hospitality and coming with friends will keep them coming back,” Albee said.

For more information, go to alphausa.org.

—Originally published in the Fall 2023 issue of Vermont Catholic magazine.



Movie review: ‘Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour’

Early on in the history of film, stage actors had to make the transition from the outsized gestures and expressions needed to convey emotion to a crowded theater to the restraint required by the intimacy of the camera. The same contrast is always likely to be highlighted in a movie dedicated to capturing a lavish stadium music concert.

Those attending “Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour” (AMC Theaters) will discover that the titular singer-songwriter – the current doyenne of breakup songs – is aware of this. Just as the smirks and eye rolls of some of her numbers become cloying, the solo balladeer emerges and equilibrium is restored.

While Swift can be credited with aesthetic insight, parents of teens clamoring to see her on screen will be concerned with other matters. In a world of ultra-raunchy rap and the obscenity-laden lyrics often found even outside that genre, Swift shows considerable moderation. A smattering of vulgar words aside, her performance is more glitzy than gritty. So, although her preteen fans may have to be kept away from this production, older teens can probably be given the green light.

They’ll find “Eras” a lively recap of all 10 of her studio albums across 17 years. Directed by Sam Wrench, the footage was compiled from concerts at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California, outside Los Angeles, during Swift’s ongoing tour.

This is, then, no valedictory. Rather, it’s a powerful summation of Swift’s life and work so far. The idea is to craft an experience just as communal and immersive as the vocalist’s live events. Audience members, for instance, are encouraged to sing along. Yet in a movie theater the noise is not overwhelming, making it possible to concentrate on Swift in all her sparkly glory throughout.

Little exposition is provided. Instead, there’s continuous music, enhanced by CGI special effects and a bit of dancing. By contrast to some of the documentaries in which Swift has featured in the past, no backstage segments are included and no forum is given to her opinions.

Her lyrics do, however, address the loneliness of her level of stardom and hint, pretty consistently, at past heartbreak. At their poignant best, her songs somehow manage to combine the varied qualities of honky-tonk blues and the sophisticated work of German-born American composer Kurt Weill.

It’ll cost you a lot more than three pennies, though, to have a look.

The film contains fleeting rough and crude language. The OSV News classification is A-III – adults. The Motion Picture Association rating is PG-13 — parents strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.

—Kurt Jensen, OSV News