In February Burlington Bishop Christopher Coyne began holding “office hours” on the fourth Monday of each month during which any Vermont Catholic may schedule to meet with him at his office in South Burlington.

The 30-minute meeting slots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. During the Catholic Town Meetings that Bishop Coyne held around the state in January and February, many people expressed a desire for more time to discuss important issues with the bishop.

“I want to provide opportunities for further communication and the ‘office hours’ are one way I hope to encourage ongoing conversation between the faithful of Vermont and the chancery,” Bishop Coyne said. The first “office hours” meetings took place Feb. 25.

Dates for upcoming “office hours” include March 25, April 29 and June 24. (There will be no “office hours” in May due to the bishop’s confirmation schedule throughout the state.)

To schedule an appointment with Kim Kunkel, executive secretary to the bishop, email [email protected].

—Originally published in the March 16–22, 2019, issue of The Inland See.