Burlington, Vermont
On behalf of the clergy and faithful of the Diocese of Burlington, I offer my prayers for the [...]
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, In this Year of “Communion: Creed, Worship & Life,” we [...]
This year we celebrate communion — communion in creed, communion in worship and communion in life. [...]
My brothers and sisters, I am sure that you share my horror at the unprovoked invasion of [...]
Burlington Bishop Christopher Coyne will be the first U.S. bishop to lead Rosary Thursday, an [...]
“So Peter and the other disciple [John] went out and came to the tomb. They both ran, but the [...]
For Catholics, Holy Week is the culmination of the liturgical year. It contains the three holiest [...]
While social distancing and concern about the spread of the COVID-19 virus has prompted the Diocese [...]
The Diocese of Burlington will be live-streaming daily Mass at 12:05 p.m. and Sunday Mass at 10 [...]
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The “call to discipleship” is a universal call to love, one [...]
Burlington Bishop Christopher Coyne ordained the Diocese’s two newest priests at a special Mass [...]
More than 100 people joined Burlington Bishop Christopher J. Coyne at Holy Family Parish Hall in [...]
Burlington Bishop Christopher Coyne has released the following statement: The Catholic Church [...]
The Diocese of Burlington has joined with other U.S. Catholic institutions in formally expressing [...]
“To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means [...]
In response to the recent school shootings and other acts of violence in our nation’s schools and [...]
The interim principal of Rice Memorial High School in South Burlington has been selected to be its [...]
Following a successful Year of Creation in the Diocese of Burlington, 2018 will be celebrated [...]
My brothers and sisters, once more we stand on the fortunate periphery in absolute horror as [...]
(Vermont Catholic/Cori Fugere Urban) Rhonda Gruenewald, author of “Hundredfold: A Guide to Parish [...]
In response to Burlington Bishop Christopher J. Coyne's call for a Year of Creation focused on Pope [...]